When we attended the 68th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau last week, one thing was clear from the very beginning: We were certainly going to meet lots of brilliant minds. But contrary to our inital expecttions it soon became clear that neither the young researchers nor the Nobel laureates were all nerds solely interested in science. We collected their hidden talents, unexpected hobbies, alternate professions* and passions.
(*Tim Hunt shared with us that he likes the word career just a little as we do)
Futur drei @ LINO18
Bei der Nobelpreisträgerkonferenz in Lindau diskutieren junge Wissenschaftler*innen mit ihren Idolen. Frieda und Phillip beleuchten in dieser Artikelreihe aus verschiedenen Perspektiven das Event und die Themen, die aktuell in der scientific community diskutiert werden.
Pictures/Credits: Julia Nimke/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
Pictures/Credits: Christian Flemming/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
Pictures/Credits: Frieda von Meding/Futur drei